
Chantilly's Lace Cowl
DESGNED BY: Mindy Hansen YARN: 1 one ounce skein 3 ply (132 yards to the ounce) Springtide Cashmere (photo is Qiviut) NEEDLES: US size 2 16 inch circular or straight needles$5.00

Charleston's Cowl
DESIGNED BY: Wendy Pieh YARN: 1 one ounce skein 3 ply (132 yards to the ounce) Springtide Cashmere NEEDLES: US size 3 16 inch circular needle$5.00

Harriet's Cowl and Headband
DESIGNED BY: Wendy Pieh YARN: 1 ounce 3 ply (132 yards to the ounce) Springtide Cashmere. Use only three rows at beginning and end to make sure you have enough yarn. Charleston's Cowl is a similar pattern. NEEDLES: US size 5 16 inch circular needle$5.00

Linen Stitch Cowl
DESIGNED BY: Mindy Hansen YARN: 4 one ounce skeins (132 yards to the ounce), two colors NEEDLES: US Size 9, 24 inch circular or straight needles$5.00