
Wendy Pieh
Wendy Pieh, a recovering state politician, is the backbone of Springtide Farm. She runs the livestock operation, daily caring for the large herd of North American Cashmere goats, Great Pyrenees dogs, several horses, barn cats, and one donkey. While she gets lots of support during kidding and combing season, she insists on personally attending every birth, just in case something goes wrong, which, of course, it never does. The goats know she will be doing her daily inventory in the early light, and the goats call her “She who serves us without fail a.k.a. Head Waitress.”

Peter Goth, MD
Peter Goth directs the emergency and critical care departments at a Medical Center in northern Maine, and also teaches emergency medicine through his Critical Case Training Institute based on the farm. Always ready to lend a hand, Peter provides medical and management assistance to several local goat farmers, and the goats refer to him as “He who fixes everything a.k.a. Dr. Do Something.”

Michaella "M" Warryn
Michaella Warryn, or “M,” runs Springtide Cashmere. An experienced designer and dyer, M consults with the herd as she makes new designs and chooses exciting new colors, often taking their advice, though she resists making everything the color of young maple leaves.

Silver Bart
JRW Silver Bart came to Springtide from Goat Knoll Farm in Dallas, Oregon. A handsome silver buck with long guard hair, Silver Bart was cited by famous Cashmere goat judge Joe David Ross as being “The best built Cashmere goat” he had ever seen. When crossed with Springtide does, Silver Bart produced not only incredibly gorgeous offspring but also goats with incredible Cashmere.

STC Lollipop, born on Springtide Farm, is the current herd queen, reigning strongly at 11 years of age. A large silver doe, her fiber earns her many compliments at the fiber shows, and she keeps producing handsome bucklings that find their way to other Cashmere breeding farms. Even though she was offered heavy bribes to have a doeling in 2014, another handsome buckling has arrived. His name is O'Henry, to compliment his brothers Mr. Goodbar and Charleston Chew.

STC Rena, a descendent of Silver Bart, is currently Springtide’s finest doe. All of her offspring are well built with extraordinary fiber, and dominant in the herd without being pushy. Rena does not discriminate or worry about trying to look her best, and entertains herself and us by sticking out her tongue whenever she is contemplating something philosophical, like, “Are those oats in your pocket?”

Kollgrim was Springtide farm’s first Livestock Guardian Dog, a handsome and huge Great Pyrenees. He took his job very seriously, and often brought attention to an animal who needed assistance, such as stuck in a tree or upside down in a ditch (go figure). When he was aged and dying the hens circled around him purring, and Krus and her son Shackelton laid next to him and kept him company.

Lexie is the current lady in charge of safety at the farm. She is a fairly small, white Great Pyrenees who is quite shy. When visitors come she will move to the center of the herd and sit, watching to make sure everything is okay. The recent mother for the first time of nine puppies, Lexie was an excellent mother who instructed her children in the fine art of goat protection.

Jackson, born in 2012, is a “Blaireau” Great Pyrenees, with lots of black markings. He is a lap dog, loves everyone and everything, including porcupines. He helps with fencing, advises on building projects, and continues Kollgrim’s legacy of rescuing does in distress. He is the sire of Lexie’s nine puppies, many of whom look just like him.

Maria and Kollgrim were a team for many years. Very affectionate with both goats and humans, Maria quietly did her job and protected the herd. She even chased away planes. When asked why she chased them her response was, “Why would I stop something when I have a 100% success rate?”

BLF Krusmynta was born on Black Locust Farm in Washington Maine in 1996 and came to Springtide as a doeling. For many years the herd queen, she also had fiber that was consistently under 16 microns in diameter. “Krus” had no time for disagreement within her herd and would break up any squabbles, explaining there was plenty of room and food for everyone. A dark silver with white stripes on her face, her descendents carry a special desire for two legged affection.